[subtitle type=”3″ subtitle_content=”ABOUT SMALL GROUPS”]

A Quick Review

People grow best when they are connected in healthy small groups. We were never intended to live life alone,but we were created for relationships.

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We are a community who want to follow Jesus. We would love you to come and be amongst us.

We are a community who want to follow Jesus. We would love you to come and be amongst us.

[subtitle type=”3″ subtitle_content=”WHAT ARE SMALL GROUPS”]

Small Groups are made of 5-6 couples or eight to twelve individuals who gather to study God’s Word and discuss the issues and challenges of life that we all face. It is also where we pray and care for one another and where you are missed when you are not there.

Small Groups come in all shapes and sizes – married couples, singles, men’s, women’s, children, no children, workplace, young adult or empty nesters.

[subtitle type=”3″ subtitle_content=”PURPOSE OF SMALL GROUPS”]

Life change can

happen here

There are five essentials components you will see in our small groups:

  • Life Chang
  • Cultivate Relationships
  • Promote Participation
  • Provide Care
  • Identify Future Leaders
[subtitle type=”3″ subtitle_content=”HOW TO JOIN A SMALL GROUP”]

We know it can be difficult to take the next step from a large group environment like our weekend worship experience to a smaller setting. That’s why we would like to offer a few suggestions to help.


1) Register for our Men’s or Women’s ministry. Click ether of these links to begin the process.
Women’s Ministry and Men’s Ministry

2) Volunteering is a great way to meet people who are already plugged into a small group.
View Volunteer Opportunities

[subtitle type=”3″ subtitle_content=”QUICK FIND”]


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Le terme adwords désigne l’offre publicitaire de Google, qui consiste en I’ achat de mots-clés pour diffuser une publicité de manière…


Le terme adwords désigne l’offre publicitaire de Google, qui consiste en I’ achat de mots-clés pour diffuser une publicité de manière…


Le terme adwords désigne l’offre publicitaire de Google, qui consiste en I’ achat de mots-clés pour diffuser une publicité de manière…


Le terme adwords désigne l’offre publicitaire de Google, qui consiste en I’ achat de mots-clés pour diffuser une publicité de manière…