On the 14th February 1983, God spoke to The Founder in very clear terms “The Word I put into your mouth, the same commit into writing and I will cause the same unction upon the spoken Word to rest upon the written Word, bringing about the same effect.” whilst in a study going through a piece in a magazine, titled “The New Wine”.

The publishing arm of WMA, known as Dominion Publishing House (DPH), as at today has rolled out copies of Christian books in millions which are mostly sold at subsidised rates and at other times distributed free particularly on the foreign missions with the first two books published in 1985, namely, ‘The Law of Faith’ and ‘The Miracle Seed.’

Dominion Publishing House (DPH) which now publishes all books, among others, was officially commissioned on December 5, 1992 at the National Arts Theatre, Lagos, and today has about five million copies in circulation.

The 1996 ECOWAS Gold Award recipient, DPH has a fully staffed and equipped French Department that translate and publishes in French.

Today, the high quality and impact of DPH serve as a lighthouse of truth.