- PRAISE THE LORD! Everyone is welcome to the Covenant Day of Open Doors Services. The prophetic theme of the month of October 2018 remains ‘Seasons of Glory’ – 2 Cor. 3:18.
- TOWARDS MEMBERSHIP ESTABLISHMENT! We thank God for the great successes of the Soul winning operations of this Year. Meanwhile, all members are admonished to ensure all the harvest of the year are fully established in the faith and this Church; by continuously praying fervently for their new converts and souls, ensuring personal follow-up via visits, phone calls, text messages and also ensure they attend believers foundation class (BFC) and WOFBI BCC, partake of water baptism, direct them to the nearest home cell to fellowship with the brethren, and make personal arrangement for their transport as you may be empowered by God to ensure their continuous appearance in all Church services. Be reminded, our labour in the Lord is not in vain and expect continuous change of levels as you keep turning many to righteousness. Amen!
- WEEKLY CONGREGATIONAL PRAYER.Our weekly Congregational Prayer resumes this week as follows; the Covenant Hour of Prayer (CHOP) will hold Monday to Saturday at 6AM-7AM. The SWAT Prayer (Prayer Squad Prayers) will hold, Tuesday from 6PM till 7.30PM in the Church Auditorium. All members are to attend and encounter fresh fire for our edification! We’re to come with our specific prayer request expecting speedy answers and testimonies.
- MIDWEEK SERVICE. The Midweek service will hold this Wednesday, 17th October 2018. We will wait on the Lord in a fast, gather in the evening to intercede and partake of the Communion. Time is 6.30PM till 8PM.
- WORD OF FAITH BIBLE INSTITUTE (WOFBI). The Birmingham Learning Centre WOFBI BCC October 2018 edition will hold from next Monday, 22nd to Saturday, 27th October 2018. Tuition is free for all new converts, new members and, crèche facility will be provided for all prospective student who need them. All who are yet to attend WOFBI are admonish to pick up their forms from the dominion bookshop at the foyer. All WOFBI enquiries should be sent to
- WINNERS SATELLITE FELLOWSHIP (WSF). This holds every Saturday in about twenty (20) Cell centres cut across Birmingham and its environs. This is the identification platform as a Church member which gives you access to the fullness of God here. Check the notice board/ WSF Location Leaflet for the nearest centre to you. Time is 5PM – 6PM.
- FAMILY LIFE AND COURTSHIP FOUNDATION CLASSES (SEASON TWO, NOVEMBER 2018) FOR COUPLES, SINGLES AND INTERESTED INDIVIDUALS WILL NOW HOLD NEXT MONTH. The classes provide marriage and relationship guidance on fundamental and other vital issues. The Courtship Foundation Classes (CFC) dates are: Thursdays the 15th, 22nd, 29th November. Whilst, the Family Life (FLC) dates are: Fridays the 16th, 23rd, 30th November 2018, and time is 6.30PM till 9PM and the venue is Church Premise. All Couples and Singles are to register for these Classes at the Protocol Stand with the Marriage Committee.
- WSF OPEN SUNDAYS. For five Sundays, beginning today, Sunday July 14th to November 11th, 2018, there shall a ‘WSF OPEN DAY’. It focuses on enlisting Cell Ministers, New WSF locations and giving guidance and enlightenment to members on the cell nearest to our homes. Visit the WSF Stand at the foyer for these updates.
- HOLY GHOST AND WATER BAPTISM. Please register at the Protocol Stand for the Holy Ghost baptism holding, every Sunday this Month of October. Similarly, all New Converts and Members who are yet to be baptised by full immersion in water are to prepare and come with a change of clothing to be fully baptized on Saturday, 20th and 27th October 2018. Time is 12PM.
- STRATEGIC LEADERSHIP ACCELERATION WORKSHOP (L.A.W). This is a 60 Minutes Post Service ‘Strategic Leadership Acceleration Workshop (A.W): Raising a New Class of Leaders. It’ll hold on Sundays, 21st, 28th of October and 4th and 11th of November 2018, from 2.15PM to 3.15PM within the Auditorium. Leaders are not born; leaders are made and Leadership is developed. What you don’t have capacity for; you’re not empowered to operate. All Ordained Workers – Pastors, Cell Ministers, Deacons and Deaconesses, Service Unit Leaders, all proposed ordinals for Pastor, Deacon, Elders, Workers and Youths, Singles, Married/ Working Class Youth are to be in attendance.
- NIGHT OF WORSHIP, WORD & WONDERS (N.O.W). This will hold on Friday, 2nd November 2018. Spread this good news, and come expectant for an unforgettable encounter with theme, ‘Manifestation of the Holy Spirit’. This will feature the Resident Pastor, the Youth Alive Choir, the Main Church Choir and other in-house anointed ministers in high praises, worship, prophetic prayers, and word sessions. Time is 6:30PM till 9:00PM. Do not miss it for anything!
- THE MEMBERSHIP BANQUET (TMB). All first-time worshippers, new members and all who have not attended the banquet since they joined this Church are invited to this End-of-Year 2018 Membership Banquet. This will hold on Saturday 10th November 2018 at 11AM to 2PM. Main highlights includes; Special Prayer, Interaction, Integration session, Q&A Session, Refreshment will be served as part of the event, and will give an opportunity for a One-on-One Session with the Resident Pastor and the entire Church Authorities.
- MONTHLY CHURCH WORKERS BRIEF. Kindly note, our monthly all-Church Workers Brief will hold after the 3rd This is mandatory for all Pastors, Statutory Body Members, Deacons, Deaconesses, WSF Operators and Workers. All elderly members and senior citizen over Age 55 and above are expected to be present. Be blessed as you all attend.
- COVENANT DAY OF VENGEANCE SERVICE. Next Sunday, 21st October 2018 is our Covenant Day of Vengeance Services and shall also double as our Monthly Operation Andrew Sunday, where we shall all come with our bottles of oil. All Winners are expected to come along with all their new converts and members of the year, challenged member, discouraged winners and a brand new soul from our neighbourhood, colleague at work, business partners, family members, loved ones and other Service time is as usual; 1st Service – 8:30AM, 2nd – 10:30AM & 3rd – 12:30PM.
- GOODNEWS! G-BASH HOLDS THIS FRIDAY, 19th OCTOBER 2018! The events provide a great opportunity for everyone to meet all Stale Student and Fresher’s from different university or colleges across Birmingham and to share information that can help maximise the new academic year. Key highlight includes: networking, refreshment, great music and lots of fun. All university student and all Youth are expected to there and invite our friends. The event is for this Friday, 19th October 2018. Time is 6PM to 8PM.
- FRESH STUDENT FOLLOW UP OPERATION. This is currently ongoing till Thursday, 18th October 2018.
- LET’S CHILL OUT! This will hold Sunday, 28th October 2018 after third service. Features include Music, Discussion, Photography, Interactive games, Surprise Gifts, Refreshments, Q&A, and etc. Pick Up Your Pass from the Youth Alive Excos. Dress Code is casual, and colour is a blend of blue. All Youths, Singles, Married and Working Class Youth and Interested members are admonished to participate fully and attend this upcoming Youth Alive events.
- ALL SINGLES / INTENDING COUPLES planning a holy matrimony are to register their details for pastoral guidance and go through the Courtship Foundation Class (CFC) and Marriage Counselling Modules. Contact the Marriage Committee on (0121 622 1662 / 07949783256).
- TRANSPORTATION UNIT. Is currently recruiting more Drivers into the Unit to ensure continuous conveyance of the Church members to and from the Church premises, who require the Bus Services via our designated routes across Birmingham. Interested Persons should Pick Up and Submit Service Unit form from/ to the Deacon Board table.
- NEW BUS TRANSPORTATION SERVICE ROUTES. These routes have commenced across our WSF Cell Clusters, Zones and major roads. This is to assist in bringing the transportation provision closer to us; details of the various route available for Pick at the protocol stand on the Bus Route leaflet. MEANWHILE, ALL CAR OWNERS are encouraged to register their cars as ‘CHARIOTS OF LIGHT’, and drive through the routes when making their way to Church services and assist in conveying worshippers, where empty seats exist in their cars. Be blessed as you do this!
- MEMBERSHIP AND FOUNDATION CLASS. This is a special one-time platform through which all new converts, new worshippers and those yet to attend are taught Christian living fundamentals resulting in their empowerment, victorious living and establishing them in the faith and Church. All members are to give their converts and invitees 10-15 minutes for a brief welcome word after each service and encourage them to attend the Membership and Foundation Class. All who are yet to attend are admonished to attend today, during the 2nd Service every Sunday at 10:30AM.
- APPOINTMENT WITH THE RESIDENT PASTOR. You can book counselling sessions and other appointments with the Resident Pastor through the Office Staff at the Front Office Desk. All appointments should be for Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays between 11AM and 3PM. For all suggestions, contributions, challenges and prayers as it relates to you and the Church; kindly email the Resident Pastor at RP@WINNERS-CHAPEL.ORG.UK.
- KINGDOM INVESTMENT. Giving is key to open heaven for financial abundance. Every member must therefore ensure the payment of his/her tithe, vows and other financial commitments made to the Lord. The use of cheques made payable to “WORLD MISSION AGENCY” is encouraged.
- WINNERS CHAPEL INTERNATIONAL BIRMINGHAM IS CURRENTLY ENLISTING MULTI-TECH, MEDIA AND WEB SPECIALISTS. Are you tech, and skilled in any area of audio-visual and online media? Kindly drop your contact at the information and protocol desk or send an email indicating your interest to: BIRMINGHAM@WINNERS-CHAPEL.ORG.UK to join the Birmingham Technical, Media and Social Media team towards our Online Church.
- VOLUNTEER WORKERS are required for the Church Office front desk and Membership Follow-Up matters. All interested members should provide their details at the desk ASAP. Be blessed as you engage.
- BAGS AND BELONGINGS: This should not be left unattended at any time for safety and security of our items. No one should be found loitering in the Church Office block, and facility. If suspicious movement is noticed, alert the security personnel or any other staff. We are also advised to park cars only at the designated car parks for security reasons. Thanks for complying!
- LOST BUT FOUND ITEMS! In case you recently lost personal items in church like writing pads, bibles, etc. Kindly check at the protocol stand. All unclaimed items will be donated to charities in due course.
- ONLINE STRIKING TESTIMONIES.There is no doubt that God is visiting every member with striking testimonies. All who have striking testimonies as a result of their soul winning and other kingdom advancement endeavours are encouraged to share them on the Main Altar, or WSF centre and send such to: TESTIMONY@WINNERS-CHAPEL.ORG.UK or via WhatsApp to the Pastoral line on 07950353584.
- ALL SINGLES / INTENDING COUPLES PLANNING A HOLY MATRIMONY this year are to register their details for pastoral guidance and go through the Courtship, Foundation Class and Marriage Counselling Modules. Contact the Marriage Committee on (0121 622 1662 / 07949783256).
- BARFORD STREET CARPARK: The Barford Street Car Park is available for all members attending any of our Sunday and Wednesday services (We have limited Car Park slots for Wednesday Services – Only 15 slots are available on Wednesdays). Also, remember to lock your car and obey the traffic officials to avoid parking fines.
- READING LEADS TO DISCOVERY: Therefore, visit the dominion bookstores at the foyer to purchase DPH books of the month, other edifying materials and books of the month written by Dr. David Oyedepo. Change your reading habits, and you will change your life!
- CONNECT WITH US. Members are encouraged to visit the Church Website, Facebook, twitter, and other social media platforms for up to date information about church programmes and spiritual inspiration.