- ‘OPERATION 615’ ENTERS WEEK THREE (3): Operation 615 continues untilWednesday 4 th July 2018 with a Special Thanksgiving on Sunday, 8th July 2018. We believe that within these 52 days, many men and women would have been enthroned by God as it was in the case of Nehemiah, in building the broken walls of Jerusalem – Neh. 6:15. In view of this, the schedule of the Operation 615 for this week is as follows:
- MORNING RAID OUTREACH – This holds every day, from Monday to Friday, between 9.30AM – 11.30AM, and
- EVENING RAID OUTREACH – This holds Monday, Tuesday and Thursday this week within the WSF Zones and on individual and partnership basis. Those involved can take off from their respective places, between 6PM to 7.30PM while prayer goes on at the same time in Church. The take-off point for the Morning Raid is the Church Auditorium. This is apart from our personal and team soul winning outreaches.
- PRE-WSF NEIGHBOURHOOD OUTREACH – In addition, on Saturday, there shall be a 20 Minutes Cell Neighbourhood Outreach, between 4.30PM to 5PM to mobilize new members, passers-by, neighbours, etc to the cells and Sunday services. All available cell members are to participate; do not excuse yourself from this amazing and awesome privilege to emerge as a giant.
- COVENANT HOUR OF PRAYER: Our Covenant Hour of Prayer continues tomorrow Monday to Saturday. This provides the opportunity for us to seek the face of the Lord early in the morning. Every winner is therefore admonished to attend. Venue is the church auditorium, Monday to Friday. As our custom is, Friday 1 st of June shall be our covenant day of trumpet (CDOT). We’ll gather to give glory to God for the new month and then commit our ways to Him by blowing trumpets unto the Lord in the new moon. The time is 6AM to 7AM.
- LEADERSHIP EMPOWERMENT SUMMIT. The Leadership Empowerment Summit shall hold this Saturday 2nd June 2018, the later part of which shall be transmitted live from Canaanland for prophetic blessing. Kindly note that the Covenant Hour of prayer shall be blended and combined with the Summit. All Pastors, Cell ministers, Elders, Deacons and Deaconesses, Service Unit Leaders and all Church Workers are expected to be in attendance. Time is 9.00AM to 11.30AM this Saturday.
- WEDNESDAY MID WEEK TEACHING AND COMMUNION SERVICE: Next Wednesday 30th May 2018, we shall be waiting on the Lord in fasting and meeting in Church for the Word, Prayer and partake of the Communion table and conclude with the last teaching series on ‘Understanding the Covenant of Prosperity’. Time is 6.30PM till 8PM.
- WCI BIRMINGHAM REQUIRES CHURCH OFFICE VOLUNTEERS: This is required for front Office Desk and Membership Follow-Up matters. All interested members, should provide their details at the Church Office front desk ASAP. Be blessed as you engage in this vital kingdom stewardship.
- WORLD MISSION AGENCY – WINNERS CHAPEL INTERNATIONAL (WMA-WCI) is seeking to recruit into the following position: Finance & Admin Officer, Birmingham on Fixed Term (One Year Maternity Cover). The closing date is today Sunday 27 May 2018. Interested candidates should download application pack from our web site – and return completed form with full CV to
- GDPR COMPLIANCE: All parents are required to fill the consent form for their wards today (if you have not already done so). Likewise, every member on our mailing list will receive an email from us seeking your consent regarding personal data we hold about you. This ensures that we can continue to send you bulletins and other relevant information. Please act as soon as you receive the mail and consent form.
- WINNERS SATELLITE FELLOWSHIP (WSF): The Church is large enough to accommodate everyone and small enough to know individuals intimately on the platform of the cell fellowship. Therefore, all members are to attend the WSF and enjoy brotherly love, care and edification in any of the 25 home cells nearest to you next Saturday, 2 nd June 2018. Time is 5PM to 6PM.
- YOUTH ALIVE UPCOMING EVENTS: We are all admonished to participate fully in the events as follows:
- NIGHT OF WORSHIP, WORD & WONDERS (N.O.W) – This will hold this Friday, 1 st June 2018 tagged “Mighty Works”. Being the 1st day of the month, our Covenant Day of trumpets, it will feature in-house anointed ministers in high praises, worship, prophetic prayers, word sessions and blow our trumpets to the Lord in the New moon for the mighty moves thus far on Operation 615. So spread this good news, and come expectant for an unforgettable manifestation of the Holy Spirit in Mighty Works – Acts 19:11 / Jer. 32:19. Time is 6:30PM till 9:00PM. Do not miss it for anything!
- POST-SERVICE SEMINAR – This is a 75 Minutes ‘School of Exploits’ Post Service Seminar tagged ‘Financial Intelligence and Upgrade’ will now hold on Sunday, 17 th June 2018, from 2.15PM to 4PM within the Auditorium. Financial capacity is not a gift, it is developed. What you do not have capacity for; you are not empowered to operate. So, don’t miss out!
- HOLY GHOST AND WATER BAPTISM: There shall be Water and Holy Ghost baptisms next Sunday, 27th May 2018. Note that Baptism is a medium to partake in the divine nature of Christ. Therefore, New Converts and Members yet to be baptized in the Holy Ghost and, by immersion in Water are to come with their change of clothing. So, register at the Deacon’s Board Stand.
- WORD OF FAITH BIBLE INSTITUTE (WOFBI): The Birmingham Learning Centre will hold WOFBI BCC June 2018 edition from Monday, 25 th June to Saturday, 30 th June 2018. Tuition is free for all new converts, new members. Crèche facility will be provided for all students who need them. Send enquiries to All who are yet to attend WOFBI are admonished to pick up their forms from the dominion bookshop at the foyer.
- KINGDOM INVESTMENTS: We are admonished to redeem our covenant financial obligations, such as tithes, Vows, Sacrifices, Worship offerings, Project, Transport & Welfare Seeds and, other commitments.All cheques are to be payable to World Mission Agency using the offering cards and envelopes. You’ll never lack!
- PROPHETIC ENTRANCE SERVICE: Next Sunday the 3rd June 2018, being the 1 st Sunday of the month, shall be our prophetic entrance service into the New Month and doubles as our Covenant Day Service. You are expected to come along with at least one soul apart from your family, new converts, invitees and with expectation. Service times are 1 st 8:30AM; 2 nd Service – 10:30AM & 3rd Service – 12:30PM. Kindly note, our monthly all-Church Workers’ briefing holds today immediately after 3 rd service. This meeting is mandatory for all Pastors, Statutory Body Members, Elders, Deacons, Deaconesses, WSF Operators and All Workers. Venue is the Main Auditorium.
- CHURCH FREE TRANSPORT SERVICES: All who desire to use the Church free-bus transportation services are required to arrive at the designated bus stops at least 15 minutes before the service time. Meanwhile, all vehicle owners are encouraged to assist in conveying worshippers in and out of the services. The transportation team’s contact is 07949783256. Be rewarded in Jesus name! Amen
- BOOK APPOINTMENT AND COUNSELLING SESSIONS WITH THE RESIDENT PASTOR: This can be booked through the Front Office Desk. All appointments hold on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays between 11AM and 3PM. Kindly email the Resident Pastor your contributions, challenges and prayer requests on BIRMINGHAM.RP@WINNERS-CHAPEL.ORG.UK. You are blessed.
- DO YOU DESIRE TO SERVE IN ANY OF THE CHURCH SERVICE UNITS? There are opportunities within various Service Units, especially in the Medical Unit, the Church Bus Transportation unit as Drivers, and in the Follow-up & Visitation Team, as well as in the Children’s Church as Teachers amongst others. This includes the WSF System as Cell Ministers, Assistants or Secretaries. Interested persons are to register at the Deacon’s Board table immediately!
- SUBSCRIBE TO OUR MAILING LIST on to receive the latest news, events, communication and alerts from WCI Birmingham.
- BAGS AND BELONGINGS: This should not be left unattended at any time for safety and security of our items. No one should be found loitering in the Church Office block, and facility. If suspicious movement is noticed, alert the security personnel or any other staff. We are also advised to park cars only at the designated car parks for security reasons. Thanks for complying!
- GUIDANCE FOR ALL SINGLES: All Singles / intending couples planning a Holy Matrimony this year are to register their details for pastoral guidance and go through the Courtship, Foundation Class and Marriage Counselling Modules. Contact the Marriage Committee on (0121 622 1662 / 07950353584 / 07949783256).
- SHARE YOUR STRIKING TESTIMONIES: No testimony is too small to share. Everyone is to keep sharing and registering his or her testimonies before the lord. All members are encouraged to send their documented testimonies to or drop them at the testimony stand around the deacons’ table or protocol stand. Remember that, “the testimony of Jesus, is the Spirit of Prophecy” – REV. 19.10.
- BARFORD STREET CARPARK: The Barford Street Car Park is available for all members attending any of our Sunday and Wednesday services (We have limited Car Park slots for Wednesday Services – Only 15 slots are available on Wednesdays). Also, remember to lock your car and obey the traffic officials to avoid parking fines.
- READING LEADS TO DISCOVERY: Therefore, visit the dominion bookstores at the foyer to purchase DPH books of the month, other edifying materials and books of the month written by Dr. David Oyedepo. Change your reading habits, and you will change your life!