- PRAISE THE LORD. We are in the fifth and last week of the prophetic weeks and realms of next levels. Expect your next levels testimonies in all areas of life, in this final week in Jesus mighty name. Amen! Kindly note, that the Morning, and Evening Gospel Raids continues tomorrow Thursday to Friday. Time is 8 am and 30pm. Venue is the Church Auditorium. All senior citizens, retirees, available wives, nursing mothers and those on holidays, vacations and in line for miracle jobs should take advantage of this Gospel Raidfor their desired enthronement as we pray, go all out and share tracts/ flyers across our harvest field. Everyone’s labour shall be rewarded! Amen.
- COVENANT HOUR OF PRAYER. Our Covenant Hour of Prayer continues tomorrow to Saturday from 6 am to 7 am in the Main Auditorium. We are enjoined to come with our specific prayer request expecting speedy answers and testimonies. Meanwhile, our Monthly Covenant Day of Trumpet Service shall hold tomorrow, Thursday 1st August 2019 as we rejoice and celebrate God in the month in line with number 10:10 and Psalm 81:3-5. Come and be blessed.
- FINAL NEXT LEVELS OUTREACH. Our next levels outreaches have been a success. The final Next Levels and Operation By All Means Mass Outreach around the Church vicinity will hold this Saturday, where we shall gather from 10 am to 12 pm. All members are expected to engage to fully take delivery of their Next levels package.
- FOLLOW UP OF NEW CONVERTS. Every member is admonished to ensure intense personal follow up of their new converts among others, through personal contact, telephone calls, SMS and all available social media platforms and making personal commitment to ensure we assist all those who may have transportation needs to Church as God enables each of us.
- WOFBI LCC AND LDC AUGUST SPECIAL. TheWord of Faith Bible Institute (WOFBI)which is the training arm of this Commission, will be running one week intensive course that run from 8 am to 6 pm, in Leadership Certificate Course – LCC from Monday, 19th to Saturday, 24th August 2019 and Leadership Diploma Course – LDC from Monday, 26th to Saturday, 1st September 2019. This training is for students who qualify and eligible having gone through BCC and or LCC before now. The course fees are £35 and £40 Rush and register now, the forms are available at the bookshop/ front office desk. Spread this good news!
- SUMMER JUNIOR BIBLE SCHOOL [SJBS]. This shall hold from Monday, 12th to Friday, 23rd August 2018 (i.e. Mondays to Fridays for two week) and time is 9.30 am for the morning devotion until 4 pm after the daily activity Session. The Summer Junior Bible School (SJBS) is for all our Children and wards ages 10 and above. Invite your neighbours and friend’s kids to be part of the Summer School to prepare them and accelerate their spiritual growth, leading to their dramatic change of story. The SJBS registration is also ongoing at the front office desk. All Members and non-members can attend. Take advantage of the School Summer holidays for their destiny encounter.
- FELLOWSHIP WITH US THIS SATURDAY. The cell fellowship our spiritual growth, care and leadership development centres holds this coming Saturday from 5 pm to 6 pm in several locations across Birmingham and its environs. So, locate the one closest to you and attend. Similarly, all cell ministers and members are encouraged to engage in 15 Minutes every Saturday Preparatory W.S.F. Mobilisation from 4:45 pm to 5:00 pm, mobilising all their contacts, neighbours and members to their Cell meetings
- COUNSELLING HOURS AND RESCUE LINES. The Church Office is open for counselling sessions, from Monday to Friday between 12 noon and 4 pm. Those who want to see our Pastors should kindly do so on the appointed days. You can reach the pastors on these special dedicated telephone lines as shown on the screen for urgent attention during the week (07930132916, 07428168249, and 07506661906). In addition, for all suggestions, contributions, challenges and prayers as it relates to you and the Church you can send email to the Pastor at
- CD’s/ DVD’s AND BOOK OF MONTHS. Pick up the recommended books of the month and other teaching materials that will prepare you for your Dominion testimonies at the Dominion Bookstores authored by Bishop David Oyedepo includes Walking in the Miraculous, Operating in the Supernatural, Releasing the Supernatural and Commanding the Supernatural. Pick a copy for yourself and others.
- NEXT SUNDAY, AUGUST 4TH, 2019 SERVICE. It shall be the grand finale of Operation By All Means. It shall be fifth Wonder Sunday/ Special Impartation Service. Prophetic prayers and blessings shall be proclaimed on you and your household. So come with your white handkerchief, which hall turned into a prophetic mantle crushing invisible barriers, averting generational curses and turning your desire into testimonies. Come with your new convert, love ones and invitees to any of the services. The service schedule is as usual – 30 am, 10.30 am and 12.30 pm. Expect to meet with the God of Wonders via His Word.
- CONNECT WITH US. Stay connected and informed about our activities via our social media, @WCIBUK and read inspiring blog/sermon post on the Church website at